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Daniel Asseraf, DVIEWSION CEO

Knowledge management in projects

If I told you that I have an artificial intelligence system that is capable of monitoring all the stored project data, which will significantly improve your project management while maximizing the effectiveness of the project's resources, if I had told you that the system also knows how to create integration between all project partners into one professional organization in an orderly Gantt which Responds to expected failures in the stages of planning/execution/handover, acceptance and integration - would you be willing to purchase the system? It is clear to all of us that the answer will be unequivocal, yes!!!

So unfortunately I have no good news! Because as of the writing of this article it can be said quite clearly that there are software houses and entrepreneurs who are engaged in the development of systems and are working hard to launch artificial intelligence systems to manage complex projects and yet it is still impossible to ignore the fact that the market is saturated with projects managed using the old methods and still none of the data stored in the project is being utilized In the axis of the decision-making of the managers and partners of the project if any.

I read an interesting article by Richard Harpham, the CRO of Slate Technologies, which deals with the development of an artificial intelligence platform that maximizes efficiency and costs for the construction industry, where he mentioned an interesting fact that today there is an estimate that companies use only about 1% of the dark data "DARK DATA" (Dark data is defined as the information assets that organizations collect, process and store during normal business activities, but usually fail to use them for other purposes) From this it is easy to understand that if the project manager/contractor/supervisor were able to effectively monitor the dark data and reflect/make it available to the decision makers So it was possible to say with certainty that a significant leap forward was made in the effectiveness of project management!

In light of all this, we at DVIEWSION understand that in the coming years, a different investment is still required until there are tools that will enable optimal management and create an interim solution to maximize project management and be effective. From this we developed a complex based on 3 central legs, a methodology (the T marking method, the critical time point for integration) and work processes through an active desk with the assistance of knowledge management systems that will allow identifying the critical paths in the project for successful execution and we will expand on that.

The methodology assumes that not all the contents of the project are critical and that in order to monitor the dark data a basic understanding is required that the importance of painting the sidewalks and the stability of the DATA CENTER in the project should not be compared, therefore the project manager should determine the work packages in the project > paint the focus areas with them > produce List of topics to be addressed > and mark the T points which will be a right marker in this content for the success of the project. It is important that the amount of T in the project be as much as the desk can manage otherwise we will always return to point zero which is loss of control over the project.

The work processes are based on an active desk which is managed by a content expert analyst and content editors under the guidance of the project manager who indicates the relevant T points for the specific project period (we learn that the dynamism in the project produces new Ts alongside Ts that are closed at the end of execution).

Today's knowledge management systems are based on the client's needs, the ability to invest in the development of a project management system and the desire or ability to invest budgets in this regard, therefore we always recommend using existing systems on the market that know how to respond to the methodology and work processes and from there grow according to the project contents and the specific needs of the project manager on every What this implies is not to develop systems that cost hundreds of thousands of shekels without really generating the right return, emphasizing the ability to monitor effective "dark information" for the aforementioned project.

In conclusion, this dark data is not so dark, as it is largely based on information already recorded daily by a large number of project partners. The good news is that the industry is catching up with the new wave of AI-based tools used to harness this data and apply it to the decision-making process. But I believe that even in an era of royal intelligence, there will be no substitute for an active desk with an analyst who knows how to retrieve and make available the relevant materials to the decision makers in the time bank project T critical for optimal integration in resource management.

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